vendredi 9 juillet 2010

Première étape, 78O Km - Col de Stelvio

Départ 6 h 30 de notre Provence pour atteindre Trafoi, en Italie à proximité de la frontière Suisse et Autrichienne, avec au compteur 780 Km parcourus.
Le temps fort restera le col de Stalvio perché à 2860 mètres d'altitude. Une succession de virages impressionnante. Un grand classique du motard européen.
Petite frayeur pour Francis : lors d'un ravitaillement en essence, la Honda VFR n'a pas répondu au démarrage. Batterie à plat. Une petite poussette et tout est reparti.
Pour la BMW : RAS of course !
Départ des Alpes Italiennes tôt demain matin, pour l'Autriche.
Dieter, tu n'as plus à patienter trop longtemps ! NOUS ARRIVONS ! Seulement 500 Km !
Dieter est le troizième laron ! Celui que nous allons chercher en Autriche.
Il nous a promis une fiesta demain, pour notre arrivée. Really ?

34 commentaires:

  1. Stunning photos, but I think this blog may be lost in translation!!!!

  2. FYI: For those of you who do not read French go to GOOGLE (copy and paste the French text) instant translation.
    Today's text offers:
    Departed at 6:30 in the morning from Provence, to reach Trafoi, in Italy near the Swiss border and Austria, we rode 780 kilometers.
    The highlight mounting Stelvio perched at 2860 meters altitude. A succession of corners impressive. A great classic European motorcycle.
    Scare for Francis: At a refueling stop, the Honda VFR did not respond on startup. Battery. A small stroller and everything is gone.
    For BMW: RAS of course!
    Check the Italian Alps early tomorrow morning for Austria.
    Dieter, you no longer have to wait too long! We are coming! Only 500 km!
    Dieter is the troizième Laron! Whatever we seek in Austria.
    He promised a party tomorrow for our arrival. Really?

  3. Hey doll you are a blogger! More impressive than Stelvio! Tell me 'how much do you miss me' ?
    Tell Lie. and Dieter Hello from me.


    Depart 6 am to 30 of our reach Trafoi Provence, in Italy near the Swiss border and Austria, with the 780 meter distance runs.
    The highlight remains the neck Stalvio perched at 2860 meters altitude. A succession of corners impressive. A great classic European motorcycle.
    Scare for Francis: At a refueling stop, the Honda VFR did not respond on startup. Battery. A small stroller and everything is gone.
    For BMW: SAR of course!
    Check the Italian Alps early tomorrow morning for Austria.
    Dieter, you no longer have to wait too long! We come! Only 500 km!
    Dieter is the troizième Laron! Whatever we seek in Austria.
    He promised a fiesta tomorrow for our arrival. Really?

  5. Merci, Yann!

    BTW, I retract my (qualified) praise of Google Translate after seeing how it mangled the English rendering of today's post -- although a native anglophone should be able to guess from it most of what Yann was saying anyhow :-)

  6. Beautiful mountains! Have a safe and wonderful trip! Don't forget to e-mail Corey!

  7. Avoir un beau voyage et en toute sécurité!

  8. Wow! French Husband and friend, what a beautiful ride! Be safe and have a great ride!

  9. Have a great ride, looks like it is beautiful, and nice weather

  10. Have a safe and wonderful trip!

  11. Yann, great idea to blog your journey! My husband and I followed you & Corey last year with the dream of completing such a voyage sometime in the near future. Now, let us know what is really going on just like your wife does (opps, that may be tough for a Frenchman). No worries, we'll follow & read & comment, because we all adore you two.
    PS Come to the States so that we can all join in and do a ride together! PLEASE!!
    Debra P.

  12. We're looking forward to hearing about your adventure - good luck!

  13. you are off to a great start...tomorrow the traveling group will be complete! love the pictures..have a great adventure and be safe!

  14. Have a wonderful and safe trip.
    Wonderful photos cant wait to see more
    Love from Australia

  15. Photos are great; though I can not read french. Have a fun, safe trip.

  16. The scenery is beautiful. I just hope it doesn't rain.

  17. Our three boys left Admont at the most beautiful sunrise this morning, all the excitement of their adventure in their eyes. They were so happy ! The weather forecast for the next week is very promising, and it think they´ll rather be too hot than cold. I´m clearing up their coffee cups from the breakfast table now and will be thinking of them all day. Corey, Valerie, soyez confidantes que tout ira bien ! Je vous embrasse

  18. Bon voyage!
    Try to stay away from the airports here in Austria, lest you end up being swapped for who knows whom. ;-)

  19. Have a save trip and ENJOY the beauty of the mountains! ♥ the photos!
    (PS ...from Corey's blog)

  20. May the road rise up to meet you,

    May the wind be at your back,

    May the sun shine warm upon your face,

    May the rain fall soft upon your fields,

    And until (we) "You and Corey" meet again,

    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

  21. Remember Corey's post about roller coasters? This is Yann's roller coaster:)!

  22. Amusez-vous, voyagez bien: Quelques pensees

    Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind. ~Seneca

    No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. ~Lin Yutang

    Pat a friend from Corey's blog

  23. No e-translater is really efficient, I'm afraid, Kathie !!!
    And google is no better !

  24. Beautiful scenery...Have a great ride and safe trip...

  25. Mais oui, Marie-Noëlle, I totally agree with you that ALL computerized translating programs are disappointing compared to human translators -- naturellement!!!

    At best, Google provides a starting point from which someone who doesn't know a particular language at all can at least make a try at guessing what was being said :-) In general (because there are always exceptions), the simpler the text in the source language, the better the results are in the destination tongue.

    At a writers' conference last fall in the Azores, where I gave a paper on Portuguese translating challenges, I got some of my best laughs regaling the audience with how poorly ALL translating programs perform: poetry is the absolute worst!!!

  26. De vous vont! Soyez sûrs de prendre beaucoup de photos des fleuves, les vallées et les villages le long de la voie. Aucun arrêt pour brocantes!!

  27. Have fun.. beautiful pics and it's nice to see the ride from your perspective!

  28. Hope you have a most fantastic trip.
    The mountains... what beauty!!

  29. HAVE FUN! Enjoy all of God's creations!

  30. Ha enfin de vos nouvelles ça fait plaisir Fran ne me dis pas que tu ma fait attendre 7h 00 pour rien
    a Toulon :))
    ps/ Au faite le voyage en moto dans les Cévennes avec ta femme c'est super bien déroulé, un peu mouillé mais très bien roulé une vrais pro juste un problème le duvet étais un peu trop juste pour 2 mais bon on c'est collé mouhahahahaha :)

  31. Nothing like a good adventure! I enjoy seeing the pictures and reading about it. (From the safety of my laptop!) Enjoy the moments!
